Le tantale gélifié a pour principales caractéristiques d'avoir une densité énergétique très supérieure à celle du tantale solide et de pouvoir fonctionner sur des tensions supérieures à 100V. Ils existent également pour la haute température.

Condensateurs Tantale Gélifiés CT79/CT79E

 Condensateurs > Tantale > Gélifiés - CT79/CT79E

Principales caractéristiques


  • Back-up
  • Conversion d'énergie
  • Filtrage


Caractéristiques techniques


  • Wet Tantalum


  • Minimum : 1,7 µF
  • Maximum : 2200 µF

Voltage DC

  • Minimum : 6 V
  • Maximum : 150 V

Voltage AC

  • Non supporté


  • Minimum : -55 °C
  • Maximum : 125 °C

Case sizes

  • A B C D


  • Axial


  • Aucune note particulière









EPPL 3003/005


39006/22 compliant


39006/25 compliant





Q: What are the Benefits of Tantalum Capacitors ?

These capacitors offer a very high charge per unit of volume, a long lifetime and a high reliability. They are used in consumer goods and more specialized niches including space vehicles, aircraft electronics, weapons and rail transport. Exxelia develops both solid and wet tantalum capacitors.

A tantalum capacitor is a specific type of electrolytic capacitor. It is made from a metal called tantalum, which is where it gets its name. Tantalum acts as an anode. The capacitor itself is covered in a thin layer of oxide, which allows it to act as the dielectric. It is surrounded by a conductive cathode. One of the major benefits of tantalum capacitors is that their design allows for a very thin layer of dielectric, which allows for higher capacitance than other types of capacitors made from different types of materials. These types of capacitors are generally polarized, which means that in practice they can only be connected to a direct current power supply that has been designed while observing the appropriate terminal polarity. They have excellent stability over time and superior frequency characteristics when compared to different types of similar capacitors that are made from different materials.

Q: Mn02 vs Polymer Tantalum ?

A key characteristic of the tantalum capacitor with Mn02 cathode is its failure mode, which could be potentially dangerous under the right conditions. In the event of a voltage spike, if the circumstances align just right it could start a chemical reaction would could produce heat, smoke and even flame. The potential for dangerous situations is very limited due to the presence of some types of fail safes and other precautions that are taken during the construction of tantalum capacitors.

Tha being said, the use of Tantalum capacitors with polymer cathode is the perfect solution to completly cross this failure mode off your list. Polymer is free from O2, which makes ignition impossible.

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