Toroidal magnetic core primary purpose is power conversion in electronic applications as inductors, common modes chokes, power transformers, current or voltage measurement transformers, gate drive transformers, ... There are three types of soft magnetic cores: powder cores, ferrite cores, and tape wound cores.
Powder Core:
- Distributed air gap cores with high resistivity, low hysteresis and eddy current losses, excellent inductance stability DC and AC current
- Primarily used in power inductor applications,differential inductors, boost inductors, buck inductors, and flyback transformers.
- Main materials used: Molypermalloy (MPP), High Flux, Kool Mµ®,...
Ferrite cores:
- Low losses at high frequencies,
- Low cost and wide variety of available shapes and sizes
- Extensively used in switched-mode power supply (SMPS) and radio frequency (RF) transformers, inductors and common mode chokes.
- Uncoated, epoxy or parylene coated
- All available materials are used
Tape wound cores
- Higher B (saturation flux density)
- Design can be smaller
- Primarily used for common-mode chokes, current measurement transformers, power transformer,...
- Materials: nickel-iron alloys, grain oriented silicon steel, amorphous materials or nanocrystalline,...