Exxelia sera présent au salon CMSE 2023

Exxelia a le plaisir d'exposer au salon CMSE 2023 dans le Four Points by Sheraton hotel, à Los Angeles, du 25 au 27 avril, 2023. Visitez notre stand N° B 20. Découvrez comment nos solutions innovantes pourraient servir votre offre.

Venez découvrir les dernières innovations d'Exxelia sur notre stand lors de l'événement. Nous avons une gamme de produits de haute qualité (CondensateursFiltresMagnétiquesMatériaux et hyperfréquenceCapteurs de positionRésistances OhmcraftSlip Rings & Joints Rotatifs) conçus pour répondre aux besoins de votre industrie. Nous avons hâte de vous montrer comment nos solutions peuvent améliorer vos projets et augmenter votre efficacité. Ne manquez pas l'occasion de rencontrer notre équipe d'experts et de découvrir comment nous pouvons vous aider à atteindre vos objectifs. Rejoignez-nous sur notre stand pour une expérience enrichissante.


Exxelia est heureuse d'annoncer que son expert renommé, Victor Quinn, présentera une conférence intitulée "Compact and reliable transformer with integrated inductor" le mercredi 26 avril à 16h40. Cette conférence mettra en évidence les dernières avancées technologiques dans la conception de transformateurs compacts et fiables avec des inducteurs intégrés.


Nous sommes impatients de présenter cette conférence passionnante et informative à tous les participants intéressés par les dernières tendances en matière de conception de transformateurs. 

CMSE 2023CMSE 2023CMSE 2023

Published on 04 Apr 2023 by Stephane PERES

Exxelia expands its High-Performance Dielectric Resonators and Ferrites capabilities for Microwave Applications

New capabilities include the use of its latest E7000 material, which provides narrow bandwidths, temperature stability and high Q-factor together with advanced manufacturing skills such as the capability to deliver extremely small size, and complex ferrite designs.   Exxelia's E7000 series is a Ba-Mg-Ta based material that combines an ultra-high Q-factor and the possibility to get different temperature coefficients upon request. E7000 features the highest performance requested for space use in the frequency range from 5 to 32 GHz, and guarantees a Qxf up to > 250 000 at 10GHZ. In addition, Exxelia is now able to support the most advanced RF designs with the delivery of complex geometries such as Y-shape ferrites for microwave switches or Toroidal designs for phase shifters applications. Those miniaturized and complex products may be as small as few mm only and benefit from exceptional quality, superior performance and low loss (ΔH) materials. Exxelia is a unique manufacturer producing its own raw materials for Ferrites and Dielectrics with proprietary formulations for use in the most demanding environments.   Nicolas Dabadie, Microwave Materials business development manager at Exxelia said: "We are pleased to support our customers’ more and more complex designs and demanding applications. Our unique capability to master the manufacturing from raw materials to high-end finished products opens the way to new solutions for microwave applications going from few MHz to 40GHz".     E7000 SERIES TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS : Dielectric constant : 24 Q x f Factor (GHz) : 250000 Frequency : Min : 5900 MHz / Max : 37150 MHz Custom shapes available : disk, cylinder, square etc… Typical Q factor: 25000 at 10 GHz   More information: https://exxelia.com/en/product/detail/636/e7000   Ferrite materials are used in microwave devices such as isolators, circulators, diplexers, filters and phase shifters. They have dielectric and magnetic properties due to the presence of magnetic ions such as iron within the composition. Exxelia also offers a wide range of dielectric resonators series, including coaxial resonators in different sizes. Please contact us for additional details !

Microwave Ferrites, Coaxial & Dielectric Resonators : Ask now !

Exxelia offers a wide range, including: Coaxial resonators : Resonators generally used in filters, duplexers, DRO's, and VCO's over a wide frequency range: 300 MHz to 6 GHz. They are available in several dimensions: 2x2, 4x4, 6x6, and up to 12x12 mm, offering the best compromise between impedance, Q factor, and resonance frequency.     Dielectric resonators : The dielectric resonators are designed to replace resonant cavities in microwave functions such as filters and oscillators. Exxelia, with the support of the ESA and CNES, has developed the E7000 series which offers narrow bandwidth with reduced size. The E7000 dielectric resonator is based on Ba-Mg-Ta materials which combine ultra-high quality factor and the possibility to obtain all temperature coefficients on request. E7000 presents the high performances required for space use in the frequency range of 5 to 32 GHz and ensures up to Qxf > 250,000 at 10 GHz. As one of the few manufacturers producing its own raw materials, Exxelia perfectly masters the production of dielectric resonators. Encouraged by the success of this new range, Exxelia is now able to supply larger batches (up to 20 kg of powder) while retaining the same product properties.   Ferrites : Ferrites are magnetic materials used in a variety of applications. They are particularly effective in suppressing electromagnetic interference and noise in high-frequency applications, making them indispensable for modern communication systems. Ferrites are offered in disc, triangle, or specific designs. These materials are based on Exxelia formulations, offering low deltaH (ΔH) conducive to reducing IMD. Their combination with a dielectric material allows for a wide choice of composites (FDA) to miniaturize isolator/circulator designs. Exxelia's ferrites are distinguished by their exceptional quality and superior performance. These ferrites are made from high-quality materials and benefit from state-of-the-art design and manufacturing processes. They have been tested for use in demanding environments and have demonstrated exceptional reliability in applications up to 40 GHz. Contact us to help you choose the ferrites that best suit your needs.