Fusion d'Exxelia Microspire et Exxelia N'Ergy

Exxelia annonce la fusion de ses deux sociétés Exxelia Microspire et Exxelia N’Ergy. Les deux entités sont désormais rassemblées sous un même nom : Exxelia Magnetics.

Exxelia Magnetics regroupe toutes les activités de conception, fabrication et industrialisation de composants magnétiques bobinés, du groupe en France : transformateurs et inductances, électroaimants, rotors et stators.

Cette fusion vise à améliorer les services réalisés auprès des clients et autres collaborateurs mais également à simplifier les démarches administratives et commerciales. L’organisation actuelle des entreprises, les sites et leurs fonctions allouées restent inchangés.

Exxelia Microspire conçoit, industrialise et fabrique depuis plus de 35 ans des composants bobinés : transformateurs et inductances, électroaimants, rotors et stators.

Exxelia Microspire dispose de plusieurs sites de fabrication dont notamment des sites à faibles coûts de production nouvellement installés, permettant de proposer des solutions compétitives.

Le savoir-faire d’Exxelia Microspire inclut les technologies standards de bobinage linéaire (formats RM, ETD, EP, EFD, ER, EQ..) et toroïdal. Pour les marchés à environnements sévères (chocs, vibration, hautes températures, …). Exxelia Microspire dispose de technologies spécifiques et innovantes telles que les technologies SESI, TT et CCM.

La qualification de ses technologies, la définition des règles de conception associées et son organisation industrielle lui permettent de proposer à ses clients des solutions optimales.

Exxelia N’Ergy est spécialisée dans la conception, la fabrication de composants électromagnétiques passifs spécifiques, en petite et moyenne série.

Exxelia N’Ergy propose :

  • l’étude et la conception de composants électromagnétiques spécifiques avec conducteurs cuivre ou aluminium destinés aux domaines de la conversion d’énergie de produits embarqués,
  • la fabrication de bobinages linéaires ou toriques en petite et moyenne série en fourniture complète ou partielle,
  • le surmoulage de composants électromagnétiques ou de cartes (potting),
  • le contrôle électrique 50 ou 400 Hz.
Published on 17 Jun 2016 by Marion Van de Graaf

Innovative new products at Electronica 2022 - Booth# A5 - 339

Electronica will take place from November 15th to 18th in Munich, Germany. On our booth #A5 - 339, we will be displaying a bunch of innovative new ranges. EMBEDDED DIVISION - AVIATION / DEFENSE / SPACE   We are proud to show our latest capacitor technology innovation called MML® technology. Miniature Micro-LayerTM Film is a breakthrough in film capacitor technology, with an energy density up to 4 times superior to other film dielectrics. MMLTM innovative technology makes power capacitors smaller, lighter and compatible to higher temperatures. It is perfect for DC link, decoupling, charge-discharge applications. Alongside MML, we will also be exhibiting innovations in magnetics, allowing saving up to 40% weight and 20% volume while dissipating more power. You will also find our new aluminum electrolytic rectangular low profile capacitors named Cubisic SLP and HTLP, our MIL & DSCC tantalum capacitors (newly qualified to reliability level P) as well as our multi-outputs CCM transformers & Dual Active Bridge. But also our components on board the eVTOL.   RAIL & INDUSTRY DIVISION   It is with great joy that we will be exhibiting Alcon capacitors for the first time on our booth. Alcon manufactures film and aluminum electrolytic capacitors that are particularly suitable for locomotives and power electricity charging stations. We will also exhibit film and ceramic capacitors for signaling, and magnetics for rail tracking system, openable current transformer, TFPP transformer and resistors.   MEDICAL DIVISION   Our new Exxelia Micropen branch has an outstanding product offer for medical products that will be showcased at Electronica for the first time ever! Indeed, Exxelia Ohmcraft high voltage resistors are widely used into laboratory equipment such as mass spectrometers or thermocyclers. We will also be showing our Exxelia Micropen unique additive printing technology used extensively for medical disposable material such as endotracheal tubes or surgical ablation tools. You will discover our new range of film components from the Alcon family and our well-known non-magnetic High-Q capacitors for MRI imaging systems, as well as our low profile flyback transformers for implantable devices.  

Exxelia at Eurosatory

State-of-the art absolute optical encoders Exxelia has acquired deep expertise in the development of contactless position sensors of several type: absolute and incremental optical encoders, magnetic technology and inductive sensors. Several ranges of state-of-the-art absolute optical encoders will be showcased at the company booth - Hall 5A booth# E543. Absolute optical encoders are position sensors that use optical signals to identify an absolute angular position. They provide the highest resolution, operating speed reliability as well as long life operation in most demanding environments. Exxelia ranges of absolute optical encoders offer very high performance levels for a very small footprint: high precision (<30arcsc.), high resolution (up to 21 bits), extreme thinness (10mm) and EMI EMC compatibility. With their compact design, Exxelia miniature encoders meet the requirements of the most demanding application such as aerospace, defense, medical, oil & mining industries. Various protocols are available to match with any application.  Exxelia encoders can be easily combined with other functions such as slip rings to provide customers turkey solutions.   Two new ranges of MIL-qualified wet tantalum capacitors: MIL39006/22 & MIL39006/25 The recently introduced ranges of MIL-qualified tantalum capacitors will be showcased on the company booth. MIL 39006/22 and MIL 39006/25 respectively equivalent to CLR79 and CLR81 types featuring hermetically sealed cylindrical tantalum cases and axial leads are available in T1, T2 T3 and T4 cases with extended capacitance and voltage ratings. MIL 39006/22 is qualified for voltages from 6V to 125V and provides from 1200µF @6V to 56µF @125V. MIL 39006/25 is qualified for voltages from 25V to 125V and delivers from 680µF @25V to 82µF @125V. Both ranges combine high energy density with a large operating temperature range of -55°C - +125°C and H vibrations and shocks resistance.