Our new catalogs are available

Discover our new catalogs for Ceramic capacitors, Wound magnetic components , Products & Solutions here

Our new product catalogs are available ! Updated and expanded, you will find all the datasheets of our products.

Need ceramic capacitors ?

Ceramic capacitors with high capacitance, high temperature, high voltage, standard, feedthrough ...

You will find in our Ceramic capacitors catalog, the qualified components adapted to your needs and to your selection criteria (weight, size, terminations, voltage ...)

Rather looking for wound magnetic components ? 

Exxelia shows strong know-how in designing and producing transformers, inductors, electrical motors and electromagnets.

Our Wound magnetic components catalog offers you ESA, ROHS, IEC qualified components and many others!

Need to know more about EXXELIA's Products & Solutions ?

EXXELIA is a manufacturer of High-Rel passive components and precision subsystems focusing on demanding end-markets and applications, intended to critical functions. We are  valued for its ability to meet complex specifications and develop catalog and custom products complying with the most demanding qualification standards (MIL, ESA...).

Our Products and Solutions catalog will give you an overview of our product lines and their applications. With more than 700 products series, you will find something that meets your needs.

You can also find our others catalogs here.

Publié le 26 May 2021 par Valentine Taffineau

Exxelia acquiert la société américaine DeYoung (DMI)

Exxelia annonce l’acquisition de la société DeYoung Mfg, Inc. (DMI) basée à Seattle, Etats-Unis. DMI est un concepteur et fabricant de produits électromagnétiques de haute complexité pour les marchés de l’aérospatiale, du médical et de l’industrie. “The DMI acquisition directly supports our Magnetics SBU expansion strategy.  DMI’s strategic location in the Pacific Northwest aerospace market provides a key geographic location for driving growth and profitability,” said François Vignaud, Exxelia Magnetics’ SBU VP. “DMI is highly regarded for the quality of its products and the operational performance of its organization. DMI products can be found on most major commercial aerospace platforms, supporting in flight power, lighting and entertainment sub-systems.” “We welcome DMI into the Exxelia Group,” said Exxelia USA President Michael Thomas. “During its 40-plus years in business, DMI has built solid customer relationships with a strong brand reputation in the aerospace, medical and other high-reliability magnetics markets. Acquiring DMI creates the potential for both revenue and cost synergies related to cross selling and procurement savings as we leverage Exxelia Group’s broader global supply chain and operational excellence practices to support DMI’s operations.” According to Martin DeYoung, President & CEO of DMI, “We are excited to now be a part of Exxelia‘s growth and expanded product offerings. The DeYoung’s recognized a shared business culture driven by a passion for quality and customer loyalty. By joining Exxelia Group we achieve a goal of meeting our strategic growth objectives while protecting our long standing relationships with our key aerospace customers and their contract manufacturers.” “This acquisition addresses our aerospace customers increasing requirements for global manufacturing access and timely support” stated Eric DeYoung, VP of Operations at DMI. “Together, we have global reach with the capability to serve our customers – whatever their size, location, or aerospace industry sector with one of the most comprehensive and competitive groups of design and manufacturing capabilities.”