Introducing new EXXELIA.COM

Exxelia announces a new corporate website. Accessible across all digital devices, desktop, mobile, the new website has totally been revamped to offer an enhanced user experience with an ergonomic design, a parametric search engine and high-quality technical information.

Completely re-designed Exxelia new website features user-friendly design, improved functionalities and enhanced rich content to assist electronic engineers, component purchasers, industry professionals and students to quickly access information. 

Created with the user experience firmly in mind, the website has been designed to make Exxelia’s vast product portfolio easy to browse. A parametric search engine with filters specific to each product category (capacitance, voltage, temperature, insertion loss, current, frequency, etc.) enables to narrow down the product portfolio and access information in a quick, trouble free and efficient way. More than 680 product series are listed on the website with relevant literature accessible for each series: datasheets, 3D models, high-res pictures and much more.     

Technical data, application guides, white papers work together to provide a detailed overview of Exxelia’s capabilities across wide range of technologies.

An application section presents the major markets the group is involved in, with a dedicated product selection for every sub-environments: avionics & cockpit, actuation systems, satellites, radars, medical imaging, etc. This section also contributes to better present Exxelia’s diversified offer of components that includes capacitors, magnetics, filters and electromechanical solutions.

 “We are thrilled about the new website launch and the robust information it provides to better understand Exxelia wide product offering. We believe this will improve the overall customer experience and strengthen our brand as a technology leader and quality product manufacturer” said Marie Evrard, Head of Marketing and Communication at Exxelia. 

“We believe this new site will allow our visitors to have a very informative experience as we increase our market presence. The group continues to grow and it was necessary to streamline our website to make it easier to navigate.” states Jérôme Tabourel, Marketing & Sales VP at Exxelia.

Exxelia new website will be updated on a regular basis with new product launches, company info, events and technical information.  

Publié le 25 Sep 2017 par Marion van de Graaf

Exxelia célèbre le 10eme anniversaire de sa marque

Exxelia célèbre le 10ème anniversaire de sa marque @Exxelia #poweringperformance #Exxelia10ans Le 29 Aout 2019 – Paris, France – Exxelia, leader dans la conception et la fabrication de composants passifs complexes et solutions électromécaniques pour des marchés industriels de pointe, célèbre les 10 ans de sa marque en confirmant une forte croissance. Le groupe Exxelia est né de la fusion de cinq sociétés bien établies aux activités et savoir-faire complémentaires (Eurofarad, Firadec, Sic Safco, Microspire et Astema). Aujourd'hui, Exxelia compte 13 sites de production situés en France, aux États-Unis, au Vietnam et au Maroc. Intégrés dans les avions civils et militaires de dernière génération, à bord des missions d'exploration spatiale les plus prestigieuses telles que ChangE4 et Insight, les composants Exxelia ont toujours été la solution de référence lorsque l'environnement est sévère et la fiabilité indispensable. Paul Maisonnier, PDG d'Exxelia : «Au cours des 10 dernières années, Exxelia a doublé son chiffre d'affaires grâce à une croissance organique soutenue et des acquisitions stratégiques. Nous sommes fiers d'être reconnus  comme concepteur et fabricant de premier plan de solutions standards et spécifiques jouissant d'une réputation de performance et de qualité. ” A l'avenir, Exxelia souhaite continuer sur sa lancée et devenir le leader mondial des composants passifs complexes destinés aux applications à haute fiabilité. Pour consulter les dernières actualités d’Exxelia ->